Monday, 23 November 2015
Monday, 2 November 2015
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
The Annunciation
The Annunciation
As I watch a woman finishing getting her water, I then grab my buckets and fill them up. I am walking home and sit on the stairs to take a rest. I touch my chest and say a prayer, “God give me strength to go home”. I turn around and suddenly I notice a bright light flashing in my eyes. An angel, “Hail mary full of grace, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb” he says. “Do not be afraid Mary, for you have found favour with God and behold you shall conceive in your womb a son and you shall call his name Jesus.” I say “why is this granted to me that the mother of my lord should come to me”. Gabriel says , “God has chosen you and your cousin ELizabeth has beared a son to, she has had him in her womb for 6 months.” I feel tears going down my face, I am filled with joy. I can’t believe that the lord has chosen me to be the mother of my lord. I ask him “how is this possible?”. “Nothing is Impossible” he says to me. I go home with my buckets of water. I say a thank you prayer to God for giving me the opportunity to be my Lord’s mother, for giving me a chance to be a special lady.
Thursday, 3 September 2015
Flag Debate
Is it really worth 25.7 million dollars on a new flag that not everyone wants? Why don’t people just stick with the flag we already have?We should but we shouldn’t! If you’re asking yourself those two things, Then I’m going to tell you why we shouldn't.
P.1 Buying a new flag is probably another reason just to make our country look better. I mean would you rather get use to another new flag all over again or don’t you like the one that we’ve had from 1834. We should keep our flag because buying a new one is a waste of money. Imagine all that money going to charity, the poor, saving animals enclosures and building new homes for people without them.
P.2 We should just stick with our flag that we have right now because it's not long before all of yous that hate it will miss it so much.Yeah, our flag is not the best but it's all we need to represent our country. If you wanted to change our flag a long time ago then why did you start debating now.
P.3 I guess you’re all thinking there is nothing that will change my mind going for the flag debate but maybe you should be thinking that I should show you
I think that we should go against the flag debate because the flag doesn’t only represent the country it represents me, my family and everyone one that lives in New Zealand.
Saturday, 29 August 2015
Save my money
Save my money
Today we learnt how we can earn money and why we should save it.
Gary our teacher said its good to start when you're young because you can have more when you're older. You can get money by earning pocket money or when you want to have something to eat and drink.
You can earn money by selling your old toys, making sausage sizzles and drinks or doing things for other people like their laundry or mow their lawn.
You should save your money because if you use all your money on lollies you wouldn't have any money left, if you chose to save a little bit of money and use a little that is a good choice so at least you get something but don’t use all of it.
You have a choice to save it in a bank or in your own piggy bank but if you choose to get a loan from the bank you will have to pay them the same amount of money you gave to them. If you don’t pay them then you get arrested and charged all of that money in one week, month or year depending on how much you borrowed from the bank.
if you put money in the bank then you get more money from the bank each time they pay just for putting your money in the bank. If you put it in your own little piggy bank then you will have the same amount of money that you put in their. When you put money in the bank you get three present and that's how you get your money from them but if you put it in your piggy bank then you have zero present that’s why you have the same amount of money that you put in there.
It’s your choice if you want to put it in the bank or in your piggy bank so I think I would go for the bank because if you have a burglary and you have your money in a piggy it can get stolen and then they will take all your money.
I think that having your money in a bank is safer and because they pay you for just having your money with them in the bank.
Friday, 28 August 2015
Saturday, 22 August 2015
Mean,Median,mode and Range riddle
Hey Diddle diddle,
the medians in the middle
You add then divide for the mean
It’s the average!
The mode is the one
that appears the most
And the Range is the difference between!
Friday, 21 August 2015
Saturday, 8 August 2015
My hero
Name: Nein, Stormy
Surname: Atcherson
Date of birth: 03/09/1996
Gender: Female
My hero is very intelligent she always thinks before she moves. She know much more than she should about the universe and she helps people when they need help.
My necklace helps me change into anything I want, my boots help me run really fast.My arm can make a sheild, shoot and can make food
Monday, 29 June 2015
A.F.L Kiwi Sports
This morning my class went to our A.F.L Kiwi sports and we played a game of football but in a different sort of way. There were two teams, bibs and non bibs. I was one of the non bibs. The people with the bibs were called HAWTHORN & my team was called SYDNEY SWANS. My team (the SYDNEY SWANS) won and the HAWTHORNS lost. Last we had to sit on the floor and say thank you to Emily
(Our A.F.L Teacher)
(Our A.F.L Teacher)
Monday, 22 June 2015
The Ruck
The Ruck
What:The ball is thrown up and you have to jump & high five it to your team.
When:At the start of each quarter, after a goal & throws in.
Why:To decide who gets the ball
Who:The ruck men & empire
The clock
Umpire calls out a o'clock & throws the ball up into the air and then the ruck men have to throw it in that direction.
12 o'clock is in front of you
3 o'clock is your right
6 o'clock is at the back of you
9 o'clock is at you left
Why:To decide who gets the ball
Who:The ruck men & empire
The clock
Umpire calls out a o'clock & throws the ball up into the air and then the ruck men have to throw it in that direction.

3 o'clock is your right
6 o'clock is at the back of you
9 o'clock is at you left
Monday, 15 June 2015
The Bounce
The bounce

The reason we need to know this skill
Is because every 10 steps you have to bounce or pass the ball.
Monday, 8 June 2015
Thursday, 28 May 2015
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
Monday, 25 May 2015
Hand ball
Hand Ball Instructions
- Make a dinner plate with your week hand & rest your ball on it.
- Make an ice-cream cone with your other hand and then crush it . ( Make sure your thumb is not between your fingers )
- swing your arms like your doing a pirate dance and step forwards towards the person who you want to catch the ball.
- Hit the ball at the x on the bottom.
- End with your ice-cream cone on top of your dinner plate.
Monday, 18 May 2015
Drop Dunt
Drop Hunt Instructions
2.Crosses up and down
3. Arms straight and fingers pointing down
4. Point your toe where you want it to go
(Imagen you are flicking mud off your shoe)
Friday, 15 May 2015
This was made normal, painted with dye and we made soldier silhouettes.Then we made some some red poppy with the left over black that we had and red paper.With the dye we tried to make the colours blend together.
Anzac fern
This was inspired by a sculpture in Wellington ,
some people have it as a tattoo,If you look closely then it has soldiers walking off to war .
It was mainly to look like a real silver fern.
some people have it as a tattoo,If you look closely then it has soldiers walking off to war .
It was mainly to look like a real silver fern.
Thursday, 9 April 2015
Patrol Instructions
Patrol instructions
Goal: To guide children across the road
What you need:
- A teacher
- 4 flags
- Children to cross
- Patrol monitors
- Possibly a raincoat
1.Put on vest, grab 4 of the 40 flags
2.Put your bag in the office
3.Wait for the kids that will cross
4. Wait for a teacher
5.Then walk to the lights
6.Hold your arms out so no one can go past.
7.Press the button and when it goes shout check cross now!!!
P.s: If someone lives on the other side of the road then you have to use the square.
Tuesday, 7 April 2015
The litter in our world is causing our world to look just like junk. The plastic soup is full of that junk and is not safe for any of the creatures , animals and people that live there. People are not being careful of where they put their rubbish and that is not good.
We need to think about what the world would look like if it was just full of junk. In times of storms you can put your rubbish in places like the atic your garage or any place that will not let the storm knock it over. Some people are just putting their rubbish on the ground and not thinking of what could happen to the world we know is so beautiful.
We can help by looking where we put our rubbish and making sure we put our rubbish in the bin. We may not be able to stop others from not putting their rubbish in the bin but you can set an example by showing them how its done. remember kids that when you are at school that you should always put your rubbish in your bag or in the rubbish bin and when you put your rubbish in the bin.
When you are finished always make sure that you close the lid for the rubbish bin, people are leaving their rubbish bin lids open and that is how the rubbish is blowing everywhere ,out to the sea and in other places .
Many people that litter are the people that should read this because if they were the world and the world had feelings then they would feel dirty, disgusting and smell like they haven't been cleaned up but if that person was cleaned up then that person would feel happy and clean .
We should all respect the world and put our rubbish in the bin or else we are the ones that are not keeping this world safe. i chose this topic because I want to remind people that the world is clean and that they should leave it like that forever.
Monday, 6 April 2015
How to plant your own plant
How to Plant your own plant
1. Scoop soil into the yoghurt container.
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2.Swipe off the extra soil
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3.Push down the soil
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4. Pick up a seed pod and open it
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5. Pull out the seeds and put them into your yoghurt container
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6.Put them in your yoghurt container.
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7. Sprinkle a little bit on top
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