The litter in our world is causing our world to look just like junk. The plastic soup is full of that junk and is not safe for any of the creatures , animals and people that live there. People are not being careful of where they put their rubbish and that is not good.
We need to think about what the world would look like if it was just full of junk. In times of storms you can put your rubbish in places like the atic your garage or any place that will not let the storm knock it over. Some people are just putting their rubbish on the ground and not thinking of what could happen to the world we know is so beautiful.
We can help by looking where we put our rubbish and making sure we put our rubbish in the bin. We may not be able to stop others from not putting their rubbish in the bin but you can set an example by showing them how its done. remember kids that when you are at school that you should always put your rubbish in your bag or in the rubbish bin and when you put your rubbish in the bin.
When you are finished always make sure that you close the lid for the rubbish bin, people are leaving their rubbish bin lids open and that is how the rubbish is blowing everywhere ,out to the sea and in other places .
Many people that litter are the people that should read this because if they were the world and the world had feelings then they would feel dirty, disgusting and smell like they haven't been cleaned up but if that person was cleaned up then that person would feel happy and clean .
We should all respect the world and put our rubbish in the bin or else we are the ones that are not keeping this world safe. i chose this topic because I want to remind people that the world is clean and that they should leave it like that forever.
Well done Ferah I like the way you explained how litter is not safe.